
Frustrated by the lack of media coverage of attacks on civil rights post-9/11, Will decided to start his own news service in 2004. GreenIsTheNewRed.com has been a global resource on the criminalization of non-violent protesters as "eco-terrorists." Will's groundbreaking work here has resulted in criminal prosecutions being overturned, and has been cited in Congressional reports and Supreme Court briefs. Some highlights are below.

  • First “Ag-Gag” Prosecution: Utah Woman Filmed a Slaughterhouse from the Public Street

    Amy Meyer was the first person to be prosecuted under an “ag-gag” law. She was arrested for filming a sick cow being pushed by a bulldozer outside of a slaughterhouse; she was filming on public property. Just 24 hours after Will Potter broke story, and it was picked up by dozens of media outlets, prosecutors agreed to drop all charges.

  • If Right-Wing Violence Is Up 400%, Why Is the FBI Targeting Environmentalists?

    When examined side-by-side with FBI reports on domestic terrorism, the data from a new West Point study shows that the FBI has been either grossly miscalculating, or intentionally downplaying, murders and violent attacks by right-wing extremists while exaggerating the threat posed by animal rights activists and environmentalists, who have only destroyed property.

  • FBI Says Activists Who Investigate Factory Farms Can Be Prosecuted as Terrorists

    The FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force has kept files on activists who expose animal welfare abuses on factory farms and recommended prosecuting them as terrorists, according to a new document uncovered through the Freedom of Information Act.

  • Daniel McGowan Back in Jail Days After Writing About His Secretive Prison Unit for Huffington Post

    There has been no official word from the Bureau of Prisons about his re-incarceration, and attorneys at the Center for Constitutional Rights are working on this now. But the drastic move comes just days after McGowan wrote about his experiences in a secretive prison unit for domestic terrorists called a Communications Management Unit, and it fits an on-going pattern of behavior by the Justice Department and Bureau of Prisons attempting to keep this prisons out of the public spotlight.

  • Analysis of the Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act

    The Animal Enterprise Terrorism Act was created by industry groups representing animal agriculture, working with other corporations and bipartisan members of Congress. The law broadly targets the “loss of profits” of animal enterprises, which is written so broadly as to include non-violent civil disobedience. Will Potter created a step-by-step, conversational discussion of the bill that was an indispensable resource for activists, journalists, and NGOs. He was invited to address the U.S. Congress as the only witness opposing this dangerous legislation targeting activists and whistleblowers.